Monday, July 13, 2015

First day of class

July 13, 2005

Well, I started class today! Bleck! This is not going to be fun, I'll tell you what. In my history class Claire Jackson is my teacher. She's a fellow from Trinity College. She gave us this impossible excerpt to read from King James. He and I don't speak the same language! So I got really frustrated with that. I tried to read it but it was like trying to grow hair on my fingernails! So I gave up. I have to do a 10 minute presentation Friday. Luckily we were assigned partners. Mine, Melissa, is a PhD student! Lucky!! So hopefully she can help me with it. I feel so stupid.

My other class, Dickens, is taught by... I can't recall her name. I'll have to tell you later. She's a fellow of Emmanuel College. I was so stoked for that class because I thought i went into it pretty prepared. I "read" all the required texts. She had a list of optional things that I didn't do. So we get to class today and everything we're discussing is on the optional list! Grrr... So I had to go to the computer lab and print half the book cuz I wasn't about to pay 50 bucks for it.

Anyway, during one of my walks back and forth to and from my room, I stopped inside the college chapel. It was quite lovely- but quite void of the spirit. I mean, I felt as thought I should be reverent- but not because of the spirit, more in respect for a 500 year old building. I think there are people buried in there. Weird. I'll have to ask.

Dinner tonight was disgusting. they had cod so I got the vegetarian meal. It was a stuffed pepper with couscous. It was ok but not wonderful. They served potatoes and carrot and celery mash which was good so I filled up on them.  Deann hated the meal and didn't eat so after dinner and found Trish and took a walk. We went to Pizza Hut (sad) and they ate while I drowned myself in ice water (almost literally- I spilled it). We walked back to my room and played a round of Poo Head and mostly chatted. I just booted them out about 15 minutes ago. I'm tired! I don't like my classes but hopefully they will get better. I guess we'll see, eh?

Love Heather

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