Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Burning Questions: Episode 3

Hey! Happy Wednesday! Half way through the week already? How is that even possible? Just a quick reminder that there is still time for you to throw a card in the mail to wish...


21. What is something you are skeptical about?

I know this is probably pretty generic, but I don't trust politicians. I don't believe one word of it. And even if they are saying pretty things, I question the motives behind it. There is too much corruption in our system to trust any of them. I vote because it is my civic duty- but I only pray that I am voting for the least of the evils.

22. If you have a job, do you prefer morning shifts or evening shifts?

Morning. I'd like to get to work and get it over with as soon as possible!

23. What is something you are most confident about? How about something you're really insecure about?

I am confident that my chocolate chip cookie dough is the best I've ever put in my mouth. It's almost a shame to bake it. I mean, the cookies are pretty amazing too- but the dough... mmmm....

I am however, NOT confident in my lasagna building skills. I have never been able to master it. It turns out like spaghetti with lasagna noodles... just not right!

24. What do you think in general of girls with short hair? How about guys with long hair?

Hair is hair... I don't give a rat's patoot either way. I WILL say I am not a fan of the man bun... but if a dude can rock long hair, go for it! just keep it clean and tidy. The hippy era is over and does not need to be repeated.

25. With films in languages you do not speak, do you prefer a dub or a subtitle?

Subtitle for SURE!

26. If you wear makeup, what are your preferred brands?

I should probably say something sophisticated... but I don't put a lot of money into this mess- so I stick with the grocery store brands. Mostly Cover Girl, some Revlon.

27. What part of a person's body do you usually find the most attractive?

Their smile. I do love some straight, white teeth.

28. What/which music are you currently listening to?

Right now I'm sitting in silence. But the top three Pandora stations I listen to are Disney, Broadway and Oldies.

29. Do you find smoking unattractive?

Decidedly so, Yes. I may love the person- but I don't want to be around them when they are purposely sucking cancer into their bodies. nope nope nope. My Grandpa smoked. It was so gross and he always smelled nasty!

30. What was the last thing you looked up on Google?

Ummm... how to put talk-to-text back on my phone. It was accidentally deleted and I can't figure it out! If any of you know, shoot me an email/text/IM.

ps. this is very satisfying to watch... because I totally get how he feels!

And just like that we're done with another day! I'd like to thank all six people who have stuck with me thus far... or maybe that's just my mom checking out the page six times... either way, See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Burning Questions: Episode 2

Welcome back! did you survive the anticipation? Whew! That was a close one!  Here we join this self-led interview, already in progress... 

(just in case you're late to the party, the reason I'm doing this...)

11. What is your favorite Studio Ghibli film and why?

I really love Howl's Moving Castle. It is one of those rare times when I love the movie AND the book- they are vastly different though. Most book/movie combos irritate me- but this one works. (probably because I saw the movie before I read the book, fell in love with the movie, then realized the book was also awesome. Ella Enchanted is another example of this phenomenon)

12. Do you always make eye contact with people when you’re speaking to them?

Rarely. Eye contact makes me very uncomfortable.

13. Have you ever self-harmed?

Only mentally. Let's not dwell. Next question.

14. What’s the nicest compliment you’ve ever been given?

A few years ago I spoke in church. Afterward a man in the congregation shook my hand and said, "great job! I didn't fall asleep once." That is the highest honor a Mormon can receive. Haha!!

15. Have you felt butterflies in your stomach today?

Not today. There is nothing to anticipate. Well, I guess I did get excited when the microwave beeped telling me my cinnamon roll was ready.

16. Did anyone/anything get on your nerves today?

Elphaba is running around like a wild animal... but it's more cute than irritating, so no. I guess not. But the day is young... so...

17. Is there something you currently want, that you can’t have?

An adventure. Anywhere. Although I did sneak in a work trip to Savannah in January, I was supposed to go to Nashville twice this year. I dreamed I went to New York (I've seen it- but never been there). I would DIE to go to Disney World right now- the lines are so short I could actually do most of the parks in a week instead of the two weeks that would give a guest time to take it all in... but really, anywhere outside of my state would be nice.

18. Who was the last person to make you feel embarrassed or uncomfortable?

Probably myself. I try to be funny and end up saying stupid/offensive/idiotic things. Am I my father's daughter? Yes. I am.

But aside from myself, the older gent who asked me out and tried to start text conversations with me. Ugh. Someone from my own decade- that's all I ask!! (please don't make comments about gold digging or how I wouldn't have to wait long for him to die... if you know my history with sexual abuse, you will understand why old men hitting on me makes me VERY uncomfortable)
(there... now I've made YOU uncomfortable)

19. Think of the last film you watched. Who was your favorite character in it?

The other day I had a marathon in honor of RBG- I watched movies about female lawyers. The last one on my list was Laws of Attraction. My favorite character is Thorne Jamison (Michael Sheen) because he's so hilariously clueless.

20. What are you known for?

Probably my Disney prowess. Most people know my love of the House of Mouse. I don't keep it hidden.

Ok. Whew! We made it through another segment. Come back tomorrow for more action and adventure!

Yeah... I know. I need to have a talk with my marketing team.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Burning Questions

Hello! Guess what is coming up this week? I'll give you one guess! Ok. I'll tell you!

I stole this questionnaire from a friend's facebook page. The original idea was to have people pick out one question and I'd answer it... but since we all know I am my own favorite topic of conversation, I just couldn't leave any of the questions unanswered. So- in honor of the week leading up to the official celebration of ME... here ya go. 😁

1. Museum date or aquarium date? Why?

 Well, it would depend on the museum, but that would probably be my first choice. Fish are cool-  but once you've been to a few aquariums they all kind of look the same... BUT since I don't date,  this question is purely speculative.

2. Describe your favorite type of weather.
Springy. Blue sky, white puffy clouds that form pictures for the imagination, new leaves budding, flowers in bloom. About 68 degrees and a very, very mild breeze, just enough to stir the air, but not enough to make it cold.

3. Name a subject/topic you know a lot about.

Disney. My sister Melanie was the only person who knew more Disney trivia than me- since she passed, I am now the queen! Did I tell you that I won a trivia contest at work the other day? beat out 50 people!

4. Do you have any friends or know anyone with the same name as you?

I know and love lots of Heathers. It's always fun to introduce myself and say, "I'm Heather. This is my friend Heather and my other friend Heather" I never met another Heather until I was in the fifth grade- then suddenly there were a gazillion of us.

5. What’s something most people love that you hate?

Oh man, a lot of things... but most violently I hate Universal Studios- the theme park. They make billions of dollars every year- so people must love them. But I will never darken their door again.

6. Who knows the most about you personally?

Eh.... Melanie DID... now? I guess probably my mom? I don't know. There are a lot of things I keep pretty close to the chest. No one REALLY knows me. I'm a mystery...

7. If you could create ANY mix-up or mythical animal and have it be brought to life, what would it be?

I would love to see unicorns. No really. I don't even need to own one- just know they are in the world is magic enough for me.

8. Do you think everyone in our lives serves a purpose, or are some people just there?

 "I've heard it said that people come into our lives for a reason- bringing something we must learn; and we are led to those who help us most to grow if we let them, and we help them in return..."

9. How do you feel about getting your picture taken?

I don't mind selfies- but I'm not overly fond of being the subject of someone else's picture. If I'm in a group photo- you can bet your left leg I'm standing behind someone.

10. Any guilty pleasure/s?

Ummm... a certain book series about vampires that the world SAYS it has condemned... yet somehow book sales are still in the millions. (Don't tell my book club!)

So... there are actually 50 questions in this little exercise. I decided that would make WAY too long of a post so I'm breaking them up to ten a day. That way you can celebrate me ALL week! How thoughtful am *I*??

Tune in tomorrow for the next episode!

Seriously, it's almost as exciting as anticipating the next episode of your favorite TV show! Do you FEEL the cliffhanger in the air? that electricity that makes you squeal because you just. can't. wait.

no? well... come back tomorrow anyway. 😄

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

The Locket

Hey all! Have you appreciated all those nice, long pandemic posts? Yeah... I have no excuse for not blogging, other than I feel like no one reads it but my mom. Hi Mom!

But sometimes I like to put stories on here that I want to keep. Maybe someday I'll print out my blog posts and count it as a more interesting journal than the one I write in every night. At least this one has pictures, right?

Anyway, I want to tell you the story of the locket.

Over 25 years ago, my sister Valeri was dating this guy. His name was Brent. I think she was living in Salt Lake at the time. I was still in high school. Val dated a lot (a lot for my family- half of us don't have a lot of dating experience, so when I say "a lot" I mean compared to me) and she brought a couple of the guys she dated home. I didn't like them. I didn't like any of them.  Then one day she decided she wanted to introduce us to her new beau. We met them in Bountiful, Utah at the temple open house. 

I honestly don't remember that. The only reason we know any of this part of the story is because Valeri- also an avid journal keeper- wrote it down. The only thing that I remember is that I liked him. Of all the guys she'd ever dated, he was the only one that I liked. I remember encouraging her to go for it! He was definitely a keeper.   She remembered that in the car he spent a lot of time talking to our dad.

They dated for a few months- and life happened. He decided to move back to Arizona and they lost touch. The next spring I graduated from high school.  For my graduation present Val gave me a locket. It was pretty- gold, with etched filigree and an amethyst.  My favorite color at the time was purple.

Being ever so thoughtful (though, kind of a weirdo) Val put flower petals in the locket. Petals from flowers that Brent had given her. Because I was so sad that they had broken up. I love you Val, but my world was not shattered. I was sad for you, sure... but... hahaha... anyway.. she gave me this locket with flower petals from a guys she dated. It was thoughtful nonetheless. Valeri is nothing if not thoughtful. She never gives a gift that doesn't have meaning behind it. 

Decades later- after marriages, children and divorces, Brent looked Val up on social media to see what had ever become of her. In this time of pandemic they were able to reconnect and get to know each other electronically, forced to keep from meeting because of state lines and Val's work saying she'd have to quarantine if she met up with him. So they kept it long distance, but distance can't kill chemistry.

When she called me and said she'd reconnected with someone from her past, the first hopeful words out of my mouth were, "Is it Brent?" I didn't remember anything about him other than I liked him and yes, I was sad when they broke up.  She was happy to report it was Brent and that they'd been talking for a while. I was all for it! It all happened so fast- but 2020 has seen crazier things happen. They were finally able to get permission to meet up without Val having to quarantine, and the rest is history.

The reason I mentioned before that he'd spent time talking with our dad- was because of how special it was to Val that he'd gotten a chance to meet dad. It's no secret that Val is a daddy's girl and she was totally his favorite, so it of course sad that he couldn't be here to be a part of her big day... but wait, he WAS a part of her big day. They chose to get married on dad's birthday- a nod to him and a way to include him in their happiness.

During one of my many visits home this summer, I was going through boxes of crap I've had stored at my mom's house for years. Boxes of stuff I need to get rid of but can't quite part with.  I was hoping to find the locket in my old jewelry box- but it was not there.

I DID find it hidden away in a music box. I didn't tell Val that I'd found it. She'd forgotten about it.

On the day of her wedding I wrapped it up and gave it to her. The locket that contained flower petals from her groom. 25 years later. I am not superstitious (I'm only a littlestitious) but I think it was meant to be- and this locket was safely guarded all those years, just waiting to be given back to her.  .

I still think he's a pretty awesome guy and I'm glad they were finally able to make the stars align.  I wish them a very long and happy life together!

PS. I caught the bouquet by accident. I had every intention of stepping out of the way- but she threw it AT me and to protect myself my reflexes caught it... don't worry though, it's the 4th bouquet (at least) that I've caught and the tradition hasn't caught up with me yet. I think I broke it.