Sunday, June 26, 2011

Celebrity Lunch Date: Fictional Characters

Allrighty- I think this will be the last go round of celebrity lunch dates- for a while. Maybe I'll come up with some other awesome ideas that I just have to share. And to be honest- I don't know how to narrow down the zillions of characters that I would love to meet!  I'll try to not overload the week with heartthrobs- but I make no promises.

First up- My favorite fictional character-

Princess Cimorene from the Enchanted Forest Chronicles

stolen here

A silly fantasy? Scoff if you must- but these are my favorite books. Ever.

When I was in high school we had to write an essay about a character that we really identified with. I chose her. I won the essay contest and I was published in the local paper.

Cimorene is clever. She is different and quite OK to be that way. In a world that tells her she must learn etiquette, embroidery, and the proper decibel to scream when being carried off by a giant versus when being carried off by a dragon- she prefers to bully the court magician into teaching her magic, or the castle cook into teaching her how to make a mean cherries jubilee (which I've always wanted to try, simply because she makes it).  She runs away to avoid marriage and lives with the Dragons. It's just so cleverly written and she is by no means a namby pamby damsel. She is the kind of character that shows that women can still be ladies- and independent at the same time.

I can guarantee you we would be friends.

Crap... now I need to dig my books out of storage so I can read them...

1 comment:

Melissa Ann said...

Me too! I want to read it when you are done! I will switch books with you!