Tuesday, February 7, 2012

200 Years

You weren't the world's most upstanding citizen, but you wrote some mighty fine stories.

Thank you for letting us peek in to the craze filled minds of the Miss Havishams and Fagins.

Thank you for letting us grow up with the Pips, Olivers and Davids.

Thank you for letting us fall in love with Esthers and Dr Woodcourts.

But most of all, Thank you for showing us that it's never too late in life to turn a new leaf like the Ebenezers.

Happy Birthday, Mr Dickens. Happy Birthday.


Amy said...

Bakeshow, thank you SO much for this post! I LOVE Dickens and I had no idea it has been 200 years since he was born.

Nicole said...

The best thing about my birthday is that I share it with Dickens! He is one of my favorites! (and that was before I even knew we shared a birthday!)