I'm pretty sure most of you who read this are already my friends on Facebook- but for the sake of those who aren't- I'm posting my trendy "about me" answers. And just know that I tried really hard to think of things I've never listed before.
I was given the number 12
1. I have found my identical hand twin- my mom. Nail beds, shapes, even the crooked right pinkie.
2. I have not had a caffeinated drink in over 18 years. It's not because of anything religious- one day I realized I was addicted and I didn't like that feeling- so I quit. To this day I adore the smell of Dr Pepper and if you're drinking one around me I'll probably ask you if I can smell it- resisting the wine while enjoying the bouquet.
3. I am a grammar nazi and I am probably judging you when you speak to me. But I still make mistakes sometimes and when I catch them I get really mad at myself.
4. Sometimes the cars passing on the freeway outside my window sound like the TARDIS and the first time I heard that sound I got so excited I almost cried... then remembered it's not real. :(
5. There are always two topics you can get me to talk about no matter how bad a mood I'm in: the U.K and Disney.
6. I love super hero movies. Captain America is my favorite hero (not necessarily movie) because he's just a clean cut all-American boy with good values.
7. I purposely left the country for my 10 year high school reunion and plan on doing it again for the 20th.
8. I don't like contemporary adult novels. They are usually filled with smut, potty language and other garbage. I am usually reading YA novels or books written for children (that's what a read- that's what I write), or books that are over 100 years old.
9. I have always wanted to time travel- but I'm pretty sure if I did I'd be seen as a total freak show- someone my size would stand out- especially a female- and I'd probably be put in a sideshow or burned at the stake.
10. I love being in front of crowds because it means I am the center of attention. Teaching? giving a talk in church? no problem.
11. When I was 19 I wanted nothing more in the world than to be married and have kids. Now that I'm nearly twice that age and still single- I thank God every day for not answering that prayer.
12. I hate theme parks (that are not Disney.) My most horrible I-wish-I-could-crawl-under-a-rock-and-die moment happened at a theme park and now I hate, loathe despise and abominate them. (the incident almost happened again at a Disney park which would have made me hate them too- luckily I was saved at the last minute)
And to make it a Baker's Dozen-
13. It took me over an hour to write this.
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