Friday, June 22, 2012


I've been waiting for this day for a long, LONG time. Today is the day Brave opened in theaters. I've been dying to see it! So first showing this morning- I was there. Half hour early. Sitting by myself.

I don't want to say much about the movie- because what if my review disappoints? Or what if my review is so awesome that it raises your expectations and ruins it for you??? WELL? Do you want that? I thought not.

So I'll just say that I rather enjoyed myself. It's a beautiful movie to look at. And to listen to. Not often does a movie score capture me like this one. But- we all know that I'm rather fond of Scotland and bagpipes and stuff. Seriously- nothing puts me in a good mood faster than hearing bagpipes (especially when I'm not expecting it [thank you unidentified person at the cemetery a few weeks ago]).

When we went to Disneyland, we got to meet Merida. Just across from Small World they had a little set up for her. You could spin the wheel to find out which clan you're in (we were in the same clan as Merida) and color your clan's seal.

They also had wee games set up for kids to play.

When you got to the point where you met Merida, she signed our books and took photos,

then we had target practice with arrows. 

I used to be a lot better. Ha!

Anyway, even though it was SEVEN years ago- and only for one marvelous weekend, I still get so homesick. And this movie didn't help. Sigh...

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