Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A little Conceit

So, now that I'm back home and in the mire- the rut that was my life before I went home and got in the rut that was my vacation, I come to the library everyday to check my email, Facebook and Blogs.  Can I just say that everytime I come to my page, and that picture on my header pops up, I want to cry for how beautiful it is?

Seriously. I mean, Pulmaria are pretty no matter what, but this is just an awesome picture. It's not doctored or tampered with at all.  It is the picture in it's original state.  I have a hard time convincing myself that I took the picture- that a picture *I* took could turn out this awesome.  I'm just sayin'...

I have a lot of friends who are photographers- or married to them- so I have seen some awesome pictures.  I won't compare myself to them- cuz where I had *one* awesome picture turn out, they have had zillions.

It may also have had something to do with the camera I was using. Hmmm...

1 comment:

Paul W. Nash said...

I think it is an AWESOME shot! You should take more pics.