Monday, September 28, 2020

Burning Questions

Hello! Guess what is coming up this week? I'll give you one guess! Ok. I'll tell you!

I stole this questionnaire from a friend's facebook page. The original idea was to have people pick out one question and I'd answer it... but since we all know I am my own favorite topic of conversation, I just couldn't leave any of the questions unanswered. So- in honor of the week leading up to the official celebration of ME... here ya go. 😁

1. Museum date or aquarium date? Why?

 Well, it would depend on the museum, but that would probably be my first choice. Fish are cool-  but once you've been to a few aquariums they all kind of look the same... BUT since I don't date,  this question is purely speculative.

2. Describe your favorite type of weather.
Springy. Blue sky, white puffy clouds that form pictures for the imagination, new leaves budding, flowers in bloom. About 68 degrees and a very, very mild breeze, just enough to stir the air, but not enough to make it cold.

3. Name a subject/topic you know a lot about.

Disney. My sister Melanie was the only person who knew more Disney trivia than me- since she passed, I am now the queen! Did I tell you that I won a trivia contest at work the other day? beat out 50 people!

4. Do you have any friends or know anyone with the same name as you?

I know and love lots of Heathers. It's always fun to introduce myself and say, "I'm Heather. This is my friend Heather and my other friend Heather" I never met another Heather until I was in the fifth grade- then suddenly there were a gazillion of us.

5. What’s something most people love that you hate?

Oh man, a lot of things... but most violently I hate Universal Studios- the theme park. They make billions of dollars every year- so people must love them. But I will never darken their door again.

6. Who knows the most about you personally?

Eh.... Melanie DID... now? I guess probably my mom? I don't know. There are a lot of things I keep pretty close to the chest. No one REALLY knows me. I'm a mystery...

7. If you could create ANY mix-up or mythical animal and have it be brought to life, what would it be?

I would love to see unicorns. No really. I don't even need to own one- just know they are in the world is magic enough for me.

8. Do you think everyone in our lives serves a purpose, or are some people just there?

 "I've heard it said that people come into our lives for a reason- bringing something we must learn; and we are led to those who help us most to grow if we let them, and we help them in return..."

9. How do you feel about getting your picture taken?

I don't mind selfies- but I'm not overly fond of being the subject of someone else's picture. If I'm in a group photo- you can bet your left leg I'm standing behind someone.

10. Any guilty pleasure/s?

Ummm... a certain book series about vampires that the world SAYS it has condemned... yet somehow book sales are still in the millions. (Don't tell my book club!)

So... there are actually 50 questions in this little exercise. I decided that would make WAY too long of a post so I'm breaking them up to ten a day. That way you can celebrate me ALL week! How thoughtful am *I*??

Tune in tomorrow for the next episode!

Seriously, it's almost as exciting as anticipating the next episode of your favorite TV show! Do you FEEL the cliffhanger in the air? that electricity that makes you squeal because you just. can't. wait.

no? well... come back tomorrow anyway. 😄

1 comment:

Melissa Ann said...

I love it when you do these! Yay! I wait with anticipation!