Saturday, September 15, 2018

Fired. Hired. Promotion. Homeless.

Somewhere in the world there are people who are afraid of Friday the 13th. I'm not talking about the movies, but the actual date. Triskaidekaphobia, the fear of the number 13 is a real thing. (not to be confused with the fear of Tricuits) I am not afraid whenever a Friday the 13th rolls by. I mean, I'm always reminded of that one time... well... let's just say that I will never look at Cocoa Puffs the same way again.*

There are a couple of dates that make me nervous though. Oddly enough there are no 13s involved. The dates of September 15 and 16 make me break out in a cold sweat. These two dates are infamous in my personal history. They are either really, really good. Or notoriously bad. I never know what kind of day it's going to be.

This weekend is the anniversary of getting fired from the bank. Bad... but also kind of good. I hated that job but being fired always sucks. And I probably would not have left of my own accord so for my own good I had to be forced out.

It's also the weekend that I got hired at my current job- which I love. so good thing!

A few years later it became the anniversary of when I got my promotion to my present title at work- which has been an amazing change for me and allowed me to be more active at church and meet new people and get involved in things I couldn't have done while working in the ER.

And today is the one year anniversary of losing my home. I'm still so angry about that I don't even want to talk about it. It's not very Christian to hope that Karma comes round and kicks that lady in the face and removes what's left of her teeth. I know I'm supposed to forgive- but some things take a little time. There is no where in the scriptures that says you have to forgive RIGHT NOW. I'll forgive someday. But at the moment I still mentally flip her off whenever I drive past her house.

BUT then again, it's been a good thing because I was super comfortable there and probably would never have moved on. So being forced to move on has put me in a place to meet new and awesome people and make new friends. I'm still homeless. And house hunting is the biggest........ pain. So many houses looked at, offers made and rejection after rejection. 

And all of these things happened on these dates. Getting fired, getting hired, getting promoted, being homeless (alright.. not homeless in the I'm-living-on-the-streets sense, but in the I-don't-have-a-place-to-call-my-own sense)

I mentioned on Facebook today that I can usually tell what kind of day I'm going to have by the song that is stuck in my head. A lot of times I wake up singing Zip-a-dee-do-dah or this song...

I can be a morning person if I want to.  

Then there are days where I wake up and have stuff like Moves Like Jagger ricocheting through my brain.. I don't know. I don't even listen to stuff like that. I don't listen to the radio at all. I don't know where it comes from.

This morning I woke up with a Phoebe Buffay song stuck in my head. One of her more depressing ones. It sounds chipper at first- but then has a very morose second line. I wondered what kind of omen that was for the day. For the weekend.

One friend suggested something about finding beauty in the world as well as thinking about the darkness of her message... which led me to thinking about this weekend of impending doom... or delight. I made it through the first day of the weekend- mostly by hiding in my room. There's still a whole other day so I'm not out of the woods yet. But hopefully this year will be a neutral year. I don't need great things happening all the time.. but I'd really like to avoid the disastrous ones, thank you very much.

Oh, it is also my Sister's birthday. Happy Birthday, Lisa!

*For the truly curious, when I was a teen my friend had a sleepover that was cereal themed. We all brought a cereal that we'd never tried before. One girl ate a whole box of Cocoa Puffs and then that night she threw them all up.. in my hair... that was the Friday the 13th that will live in infamy.

1 comment:

Melissa Ann said...

That is crazy and super gross about these cereal! Here's to a good day!