Tuesday, October 3, 2017

the whole 40

Where do I begin? There has been an eight month absence... as much as I say nothing ever happens in my life, there have been a few noteworthy things this year. Maybe I'll get to them another time. Maybe not. Don't hold your breath.

My laptop went all the way of the earth and I can't really blog on my ipad. They've blocked it so I can't see it at work let alone write, so here we are.

How is it that suddenly have access to a computer? yeah... well... I don't want to talk about that right now.  That drama will have to wait for another post.

Today I turn 40. Gross.


So instead of all the things I should be blogging about, I will instead blog about my favorite subject:


Here are 40 things that you may or may not know about yours truly. Some may make you want to rethink your friendship with me.

  1. I don't like bacon. Like, at all. 
  2. I think cantaloupe is the fruit of the devil. People go on their missions and eat all these super weird things like half formed birds or monkey brains. ask me the grossest thing I had on my mission? Cantaloupe.
  3. I also do not like sushi. I've tried. I want to like it because it's so trendy. But blech...
  4. I have never seen even an episode of Game of Thrones. No desire. It seems like something that would be totally up my alley, but I've heard it's basically porn so what's the point?
  5. I want to see the world, but somehow I always end up at Disneyland.
  6. I think that Richard Armitage is the most beautiful man in the world. I'm saving my VL graduation for him.
  7. On the other end of the spectrum, I think Ryan Gosling is so... not attractive. I honestly don't see why everyone swoons over him. Ick.
  8. I have seen every episode of FRIENDS at least 10 times. I have them all basically memorized and can even tell you most of the episode names. If you're ever in a pub contest, you want me on your team.
  9. Same goes with Disney trivia, but that's a no brainer.
  10. I have been fired from a job.
  11. I have been evicted (unjustly) from an apartment (there's a story I'll tell you later).
  12. I have never been on a date with someone who I wanted to be on a date with.
  13. but I get asked out by people (yes people) in whom I have less than zero interest.
  14. I have been at my current job for  years. Other than my first job working at Freddies, it's the longest job I've ever had. And most days I really like it.
  15. I am the Team Lead over four different Outpatient departments. I've been doing that for two years (this week) and I still have a lot to learn.
  16. I also work part time at a party store. This week is my one year anniversary. I work there because it's my gym. It's totally brainless and I don't have to take it home with me, so I love it.
  17. My favorite musical is Brigadoon- because they sing about Heather on the Hill. Also, Scotland, bagpipes and kilts. Need I go on?
  18. My favorite movie is The Court Jester. It's the wittiest, funniest and just most all around fun movie ever made. 
  19. When I was a kid I was scared by the movie the Secret of Nimh. We always watched in in school during rainy recesses and I hated it. I was also terrified of the movie Time Bandits and had nightmares about it for years.
  20. Needless to say- I do not like scary movies. I have a way overactive imagination and I can't handle horror movies. Even seriously intense movies can be too much for me. 
  21. I have never had a pet dog. I've always had cats- and most of them were strays that we took in, much to my parent's dismay. I don't have anything against dogs, I've just never had one. But I do have fur neicephews now and I love them.
  22. I remember the most random things, and yet seem to forget important things. I can tell you the name of the kid who peed his pants in class in the 3rd grade, but I couldn't tell you who our student body president was in high school.
  23. My favorite flowers are plumeria. I've only ever seen them when I went to Hawaii that one time... but they made quite an impression and they are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
  24. I am also a sucker for fuchsias and good ol traditional roses.
  25. When I grow up I want to be a  Disney performer. Maybe I'll have to do that in my next life.
  26. My favorite books are the Enchanted Forest Chronicles. I just love the way they are written, so witty and fun. I love that the characters are non conformists and that is what makes them so special.
  27. I was about to say "non-traditional" but I can't say that- because I am the poster child for tradition. I love tradition. I love pomp and circumstance and traditions that date back hundreds of years. Changing of the Guards? Boring but awesome! Family Christmas traditions? MUST!
  28. The only book/movie combo where I love both equally is Howl's Moving Castle. They are soooo very different that you have to see them individually, but I love them both.
  29. I love the classics. When I was at Cambridge, my Dickens professor had a write a list of books that we'd read since we've been in college. When she looked over mine she said I needed broaden my horizons and to add a little 20th and 21st century to it. It was all early classic stuff.
  30. I remember walking through the halls of the Jordan River Temple with my parents. It had to have been during the open house and that temple was dedicated in 1979, so I was but two years old. That is probably one of my earliest memories, and a testament to the impression being a temple can leave on a person.
  31. Another memory from when I was a kid- when I got scared at night I would spread a blanket in the hallway and sleep under the light of the smoke alarm. There was a tiny green light on it. It was just enough to be a nightlight for me. Plus, it was right outside my parent's room.
  32. I had a boyfriend in kindergarten. I'll save him the humiliation of being named here- I also had a boyfriend in the 5th grade for about 45 minutes. My friend asked him on the playground if he'd be my boyfriend (without my permission) and he said yes. I didn't really want him as my boyfriend so I passed him a note in Mrs Reynold's math class afterward and said I didn't want to be his girlfriend. He said, "good! because I was just kidding." That was my last boyfriend.
  33. Speaking of elementary, I used to hang upside down by my knees on the monkey bars- or on the rainbow bars- and take my coat off in the dead of winter. I thought I was soooooo awesome.
  34. I got caught once while playing kiss tag. In kindergarten. It was the 45 minute boyfriend who fish-lip kissed me as I tried to blend into the brick wall of the school building.
  35. I've been proposed to. It totally blindsided me because I had less than zero interest in this man. We were not even friends... we were... missionary and less active member. I had no idea he was interested in me. I feel kind of bad about the way I turned him down, but come on- you didn't know me. At. All. If you'd known me, you'd known better than to pursue that way. Who proposes in an email to someone they've never even been on a date with!?
  36. I was friends with my sister in law before she started dating my brother. She liked him and it would bug her when I would talk about setting him up with my geometry teacher. 
  37. I used to go to dancing every Friday night. My friends Heather, Amanda and I never missed an institute dance. They were (are) super gorgeous and got asked to dance all the time. I usually spent most of the slow dances in the hallway. Occasionally I got asked, and sometimes I got brave and asked, but mostly dancing is just awkward and uncomfortable to me. I feel like a deformed jelly bean when dancing.
  38. I spent my 40th birthday much the same way I spent my actual day of birth, napping, eating and crying. 
  39. I love my family more than anything. And that includes my auntie and cousins... and of course my sweet kittens who have been such cuddle bugs the last few days. I don't know if it's because of the move, or just because they've sensed I need the extra love, but I'll take it.
  40. If you ever catch me in a bad mood, just talk about Disney, England, Scotland or glitter. It'll perk me right up. 
There ya go. I feel like most of those are thing I've talked about before, but it's getting late and apparently I'm old now.


dedesmith32 said...

Hey Disney, England, Scotland, Glitter!

You are an amazing person and I love ya! We should get together sometime. Thanks for being such a great example to me! Love your "favorite" cousin!

Camie Marie said...

It's funny how we can spend so many years "knowing" someone without ever letting them know that we think about them, we laugh at and admire greatly their talents, we get frustrated with them when they share their disappointments and want them to feel they have great value in our eyes.
Forty hasn't been what I thought it would be but...in many ways, it's been so much better. Happy Birthday, Heather!

Melissa Ann said...

Oh dearest Heather! I love you and all the 40 things about you and so much more!

Lisa Witt said...

Love you! And miss you like crazy! Happy 40th to an amazing person!